Top10 amazing fact about india

1) A floating post office :- india has the largest postal network  the india there are 155015 post office .The floating post office in Dal lake Srinagar, was setup in august 2011.

2) The highest cricket ground in the world:-At the altitude of 2444 meter is higest cricket ground in the world.  It is  present in the  chail himachal Pradesh. it was built in 1893.

3) Water on the moon was discover by india :- in sept. 2009 ISRO chandrayaan detected water on the moon for its first time .

4)India is the world second largest English speaking country :- india is second only to the USA when it comes to  speaking English.This expected to grow in the coming year.

5) Largest milk producer In the world:- india is largest milk producer with 16 %of global production after india followed by the USA,china, Pakistan,& brazil.

6) ZERO :- zero is the no system was invented by the mathematician name as ARYABHATTA. he was  from india .

7)The human calculator :- The human calculator, Shakuntala devi was commonly known for it .Shakuntala devi was born in Bengaluru.she could multiply 13 digit no with in 28 sec they provide correct answer.

8) Snakes and ladders :- This game was invented in india. This was invented by a poet saint gyandev in 13th century.The ladders represent the virtues while the snakes indicates vices.

9)wettest place in the world :- Mawsynram, Meghalaya in india is the wettest place in  the mawsynram 11871 mm average rainfall is done in every year.

10) oldest culture :- the indian culture is one of the oldest in the world , going back to about 4500 year .

.....Pankaj jaryal

1 comment:

  1. Infect india is country of facts which is very fasi nated about all culture of it surrounding


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